That time of year again. Thanksgiving 2023! Time to say “Thank You!” to the people, places, and companies who have made 2023 a tremendous year for John Hughes Golf.
As we do every year, we all tend to give thanks to others, Thanksgiving Day. I personally believe we should all give thanks every day, all year long. Our country’s only non secular holiday reminds us of being thankful. But I charge everyone to thank someone every day, from today forward. The smile you create doing so is worth every once of energy you used to say, thank you! It’s the people you come in contact with every day who can make a positive impact upon your life, it you allow it to happen. Saying “thank you” is a great way to start the process. You also must realize the impact you make upon these people, as much if not more than they do you.
Please join me this Thanksgiving 2023 in thanking everyone listed below. These people help me positively impact you and the world, as we all strive to serve each other the very best we can.
Thank You John Hughes Golf Team!
Our Clients!
I say this every year, without you, there would be no John Hughes Golf! Thank You! Thank you for your support and trust in me to assist you with improving your golf skills! Thanks for doing the same with my immediate staff. And with our location partners. Our clients are the heart and soul of our team. YOU and your commitment to be the best golfer you can be is what gets us up each day. Thank You! I hope your Thanksgiving 2023 is a joyous time in your home. And you get to share the love, warmth, and comradery throughout the day and holiday weekend.
Our Coaching Staff
Jacob Glassmeyer
Midway through 2023, Jacob and his bride seized the opportunity to create a new journey for them both, in Houston, Texas. Since 2013, Jacob has been a consistent friend, and one hell of a fitness guru to me and many others. And he will remain the same although we are miles apart. his life story is an inspiration. And I can’t thank Jacob enough for inspiring my clients who has formed relationships with. Best of luck to you, Jacob and Yvonne!! And thanks!
Tom Dorsel, PHD
Tom continued to support and work with his JHG clients. As well as propel his own clients closer to the Hilton Head Island area. Each client successfully accomplished the goals they set out to achieve in 2023. Tom’s “3rd eye” was extremely helpful for me as well as out clients. Thank you Tom for being a sounding board to all of us! Here is hoping 20024 can provide us both more opportunities to jointly assist each other’s clients.
Our Support Staff
Chris Siska/Siska Development
Again in 2023, Chris provided me with extremely helpful ideas and tweaks to all the websites of the JHG Brand. Along with Rhett DeMille (see below), he was able to get the John Hughes Golf Website ranking #1 and/or on the first page of any search for keyword terms we target. 2023 realized a gigantic leap of traffic to the McLemore Golf School site, assisting us with selling out the entire month of October this year. And we continue to hone Instant Golf Improvement. Chris’ attention to detail and thoroughness is second to none amongst his peers. And he is always searching for ideas to make the websites run smother, faster, and more efficiently for you. Thank you Chris! For a great 2023! I can’t wait to see how you’ll evolve the JHG site in 2024.
Rhett DeMille/Palmetto Soft
Rhett and his team of SEO experts successfully catapulted the John Hughes Golf website to all time record numbers of views and conversions. And as previously mentioned, placed all out key search terms on the first page of any search, globally! While simultaneously pushing to golfers across the world in record time. Rhett’s easy demeanor and matter of fact approach to his craft is very much appreciated. Rhett has saved me value time and energy which I in turn provided my clients in 2023. Thanks Rhett, Kris, Christian, and Lance! You guys are awesome! A thankful wish for you all for fun and happiness this Thanksgiving 2023!
Jimi Underwood
As Dani Persic’s business transitioned in 2023, I recruited the services of Jimi Underwood to continue the work Dani provided. As well as bring our video tips to a new standard of excellence. Jimi’s expertise, serving the Golf Channel for many years as a post producer, has lead to our video shoot process becoming more streamlined. And his occasional presence at video shoots has lead to a few new wrinkles we’re adding to each video you view. Happy Thanksgiving 2023 Jimi! And thanks for what you have done to elevate the JHG brand! We’re all looking forward to more of the same in 2024.
Our Partners
Falcon’s Fire Golf Club
Falcon’s Fire Golf Club continued to make life and golf fun for me and my clients in 2023. Despite experiencing some of its own growing pains. The change in leadership brought positive change for the entire facility, the team, and the golfers who play Falcon’s Fire. As I celebrate my 10th anniversary at Falcon’s Fire, November 29, I’m looking forward to working with new GM John Ward and the entire Hampton Golf staff. Happy Thanksgiving 2023 Falcon’s Fire! And to all who take on the challenge you present golfers daily.
WOW! 2023 was a breakout year for me at McLemore, as well as McLemore. What started as an idea to bring clients each summer for a couple of weeks, blossomed into 12+ weeks, spread out over 4 different months, of incredible growth, learning, and enjoyment. For me, my family, my team, and my clients. It could not have happened without the support from my good friend, Charlie Rymer. As well as Scenic Land Company’s CEO, Duane Horton. Both Duane and Charlie wrapped their arms around me as if I was part of the McLemore family. And provided me an opportunity to grow my business as I assisted them to create a coaching platform at the facility. McLemore Resort is a very special place that Judy and I look forward to visiting. And our JHG clients who have visited us at McLemore feel the same, with many making the journey both times I was there in 2023. As we head into 2024, don’t be surprised if you see more news about McLemore Resort and how me and my brand will be visiting more often. I can’t wait to take part in the growth of McLemore Resort. And you can too. I can’t thank you enough, Duane, Charlie, Tom Schreiner, Doug Amor, Ryan Emerson, and the entire staff of McLemore. For providing the genuine feeling of family to me and my family!
Streamsong Resort
2023 saw huge changes at Streamsong. Particular in the position of Director of Golf. These changes prevented me from bringing my clients to Streamsong in 2023. But I am thankful that 2024 shows the possibility of returning there. And showing you what an outstanding facility Streamsong is. Happy Thanksgiving 2023, Streamsong!
My longest and most loyal partner is FlightScope. I made a couple trips to FlightScope this year to re-educate myself and to find out how I can better serve you, my clients, with the technology advancements FlightScope regularly supplies. . Henri, Madelein, Johan, Alex, Tyler, Mac, Daniel, Britney, and the entire FlightScope family provide the highest of quality technology within their class. And their customer service is second to none. Thanks again Henri Johnson for befriending me in 2013. I’m looking forward to new and better ways to serve our mutual clients in 2024. Happy Thanksgiving FlightScope!
Callaway Golf
2023 was a transitional year for me and Callaway Golf. Scott Sullivan picked up where Jason left off. And provided me an opportunity to spread my wings a little with the best golf club brand in the business! Scott shared 18-holes with me in June listening to my brand story. In turn, he made things happen! Don’t know if you noticed, Callaway equipment is now available on our website store. With more items to follow as we get further into 2024. I’m also thankful for meeting Mason Kirk, Scott’s counterpart at McLemore. Together, Scott and Mason will be making a lot of things happen for me and you in 2024. Happy Thanksgiving 2023 Scott, Mason, and Callaway Golf!
V1 Golf
V1 is the second longest partner of John Hughes Golf. 2023 brought more opportunities for me to contribute to their ever growing video library of drills. You as a user of V1’s consumer mobile app, saw plenty of enhancements and upgrades in 2023. Thanks again to V1 for recognizing me as a V1 Pro Instructional Staff Member in 2023! I’m looking forward to providing more content to V1 users everywhere in 2024.
Cutter and Buck
Chandler Altman should be sales person of the year for Cutter and Buck, every year. His countless hours helping me and fellow golfers look good is a testament to his expertise. Thanks Chandler and CEO Joel Freet for what you do for the JHG brand. 2024 should be another great year for us both. Thank you Cutter and Buck!
Donald Ross Sportswear
Through my association with McLemore came a chance introduction to Todd Fontaine, the local sales rep, and Rob Stein, CEO of Donald Ross Sportswear. After a detailed phone conversation with Todd as I drove home from McLemore in June, I was introduced to Rob through Todd and Charlie Rymer. Next thing I knew, I was named a brand ambassador of Donald Ross Sportswear. The clients who visited me this Fall at McLemore Resort went home with a piece of DRS apparel. I will be featuring the line in all my activities in 2024. Thank you Todd and Rob for seeing value in my brand and the clients we serve. Look for Donald Ross Sportswear in my website store by early 2024, if not sooner. Happy Thanksgiving 2023 Donald Ross Sportswear!
Ted Odorico/Golf Tips Magazine
I stated this last year and I will state it again in 2023. Ted Odorico is hardest working man in golf. He honors me every 2nd Tuesday of the month, as a guest on his Podcast, Golf Talk Live. As well as allows me to share my passion for improving your golf skills through the regular column I pen, “Milestones”, within each issue of Golf Tips Magazine. 2023 was an evolutionary year for Ted and his various projects. And 2024 should bring more opportunities for you to engage and participate with the magazine. More news to come about this. Thanks Ted for your friendship, your support, and for allowing me the opportunity to share my passion through your media outlets. I can’t wait to see what 2024 brings us both.
Chris Mascaro/Next on the Tee Podcast
Chris is a supporter of mine and provides me an opportunity to share my passion and enthusiasm for improving your skills on his podcast, Next on the Tee. Chris’ hard work has earned the podcast numerous awards. And each week he has a fantastic slate of guests. Chris had me on the show a couple times this year. And each time was a great conversation! I hope 2024 brings more opportunities to share the passion on Next on the Tee. Happy Thanksgiving 2023 Chris! I’m looking forward to contributing more in 2024.

Club Champion
As many of you already know, Club Champion is the next best thing to being a tour player and having clubs fit exactly to your specifications. Founder and former CEO Joe Lee is a good friend, and asked me to become the Orlando Store Ambassador when it opened in 2014. There are now 4 Orlando area locations. And I refer anyone who is seriously considering an equipment purchase to one of the 100+ stores in North America. Chances are there is a Club Champion within 50 miles of where you live. Thanks Joe for befriending me at Green Valley CC years ago. And providing me the opportunity to represent Club Champion! To Matt LeGault, thank you for continuing to work with me and the referrals. And thank you to Jonathan and the entire staff at the original Orlando store for making me feel like part of the family for the past 9 years. I’m looking forward to bringing more clients by in 2024. Happy Thanksgiving 2023!
2023 witnessed grow leaps and bounds. And provide me and my client measurable ways to see your physical improvement. Jeehae Lee and her team at should be commended for the meteoric rise they realized in 2023. Edwin Fuh, PGA has been a wealth of knowledge and consistent support partner. If you have not already subscribed to use, you’ll have your chance during my annual 12-Days of Giving, beginning December 1, 2023. Happy Thanksgiving! What a year you have experienced!
Golf Live App
A few years ago, I used an application to provide virtual lessons to golfers from around the globe. The concept was ahead of it’s time. But the idea was spot on. In 2023, I was introduced to Allen Belden, Keith Scoli, and John Ballou of Golf Live App. And instantaneously, the world changed for the good for all my clients. Golf Live is Zoom on steroids, providing us both an opportunity to stay engaged and proactive with your improvement process. in 2024, I will be featuring the Golf Live App as a part of most of the coaching programs we offer in 2024. Happy Thanksgiving 2023 Golf Live App! I’m glad we bumped into each other!
Thanks to My Family!
2023 brought a lot of great times and evolution for the better for my entire family.
My “Extended Family”
I have 5 brothers from another mother.
Bob Geppert
Bob is one of those brothers. I’m thankful this Thanksgiving 2023 that I was able to assist him to his sciatic nerve procedure last Christmas. And his leg is almost back to normal. While he was in the area in 2023, I’m thankful for sharing a meal or 2 with him. And picking his very experienced brain in the process. Bob’s wisdom has command of many subjects both in and out of the golf world. Thanks Bob for sharing that wisdom throughout the years Bob! I wish you all the best this Thanksgiving of 2023!
Thomas Troncoso
Brother #2, Thomas had an interesting year. He made a life changing decision to be closer to family and resigned his position. And moved to Columbia, SC. He and Maureen are expecting the arrival of a 2nd grand child. Judy and I shared some time with them both at McLemore in the Spring, as Thomas and I played golf in a thick soupy fog. We’re both planning to see each other more in 2024. Happy Thanksgiving 2023 Thomas, Maureen, and family! And Thanks!
Steve McMillen
6 short years ago, in the door walked Steve McMillen. A humble person with a fantastic financial mind. Someone the North Florida PGA Section needed. But we asked ourselves, will Steve fit in? 6+ years later, Steve has not only fit in. He has become part of the fabric that makes the NFPGA the 3rd largest Section in the Country. And with his wisdom, our Section is on the best footing we’ve ever experienced, in all shapes and forms. 2023 saw Steve belly up to the relationship line one more time. He and Phyllis will share a joyful wedding and honeymoon in Greece in April of 2024. I can’t be any happier for Steve. And the past 6 years,, he has made my life an easier world to understand. Happy Thanksgiving 2023 Steve and Phyllis! May 2024 be the year you hope for, and so much more!
Jean Perpillant/
My 4th brother from another mother stepped up his game in 2023. Not only for my brand. But for his brand too! He and Nicole grew their marketing/mentoring/growth agency to a small but efficient power house of a brand. They now serve clients from all over the world. And it all started with small little bit size companies like me. Jean was at McLemore for both coaching stints in 2023. Scaling rocks and avoiding trees and low flying golf balls, all to make me look great in front of the camera. His steadfast enthusiasm continues to fuel my tank. But I think the best time we shared was early in 2023 when Judy and I attended an Orlando Magic Game with his Haitian Chamber Group. Boy were people confused when it came to taking the group photo. Too bad those people can’t see beyond the cover. Thank you Jean and Nicole, for welcoming Judy and I into your lives! We look forward to sharing more great times, more great rock climbing, and more fun in 2024. Happy Thanksgiving 2023!
Ed Fulford, PGA
“Ever Ready, Steady Eddie,” as his wife Lisa calls him every so often. And that is what I have learned to expect from Ed over the past 27+ years. As Ed ages, he’s still ready, and still steady. But maybe not as fast as he once was. I admire Ed’s tenacity to continue to play golf with “the big boys”. As well as his ever giving presence on the lesson tee, no matter who his client maybe. Thank you Ed for being a grounding force in mine and my family’s life! And thanks again Lisa for sharing Ed’s steady demeanor and simplistic charm. Happy Thanksgiving 2023 to you both!
My Family
Lacey, Jarrod, MacKenzie, and Mason Councill
Another banner year for the Councill’s in 2023. I found a bunch of photos of them from their many adventures of 2023. But thought best to use this one in fear of not supporting their Tigers! MacKenzie’s graduation in May lead to becoming a Freshman this Fall at Clemson, continuing the McIlwain/Turner/Vinesett legacy. Mason continues to grow as a young man. And as an under-rated soccer phenom. Meanwhile, Lacey and Jarrod continue to share their experiences with everyone, including Nana. I’m looking forward to hosting them in Florida for Christmas, without Judy. So much for a “Judycation” this year. But what better time to spend with family than the holidays? I’m sure 2024 will bring more excitement and passion to one of the most passionate families I know, and love. And hopefully they can share some of the passion at McLemore in 2024. Happy Thanksgiving 2023 to the Councill’s! May 2024 be as adventurous for you as 2023 has been. Love you all!
Lauren, Corey, Carson and Cayleigh Griffin
Wow! What a year 2023 has been for Lauren and family. Carson and Cayleigh continue to grow at an alarming rate of happiness. Hat’s off to Mom and Dad! But John is still “keeping an eye” on you both. Corey continues to be a rock, reminding everyone about where they come from and where they are going. Their visit to McLemore this spring proved Corey is as supportive of me, as he is of Lauren. And even more so of Lauren. Lauren stepped to the plate after her visit to McLemore, and took on the new role of Operations Manager of John Hughes Golf in August. She saw the amount of energy being drained from me each day with administrative and other chores. Lauren taking on those responsibilities has allowed the brand to grow exponentially in a short time. And has allowed me the opportunity to spend more time with clients and family. I can’t wait to see what Lauren brings to the table in 2024 and beyond. At the rate she is learning and growing within the business, at some point she’ll become my boss. And I will be a better man and professional because of it. Happy Thanksgiving Griffin’s! Love you Lauren, Carson, Cayleigh, and Corey.
Bill, Linda, Jim
2023 brought change to my siblings for all good reasons. Being the oldest of 4, it’s sometimes hard to keep up with everything. But I was informed well in 2023. I needed to pull a photo with all of us together. It was 9-years ago this image was shot.
My brother Bill continues to live life one day at a time. His never ending search for serenity and inner peace continues. His demons are less, but more severe. With his recent move to High Point, NC to be closer to the folks, it should offer him a foundation to find what he is looking for in a new environment. I continue to think good thoughts for him. I still do not have a recent photo of Bill. But hope 2024 finds a way for that to happen. And brings Bill what he is searching for.
As always, Linda is the hub of the siblings. She is the one that contacts us all and provides the information we need to support each other. She and Tom visited McLemore a few times this year. And on the way back to Florida each time, lunch was served with Linda as my companion. Sharing the Marc Broussard concert with them both, as well as Lauren, was one of the highlights of my year. I look forward to more visits in 2024, similar to the ones we shared this year. No 2 visits are alike. But all visits end with us each feeling warmed and loved. Thank you Linda and Tom for sharing time with me and Judy this year! Happy Thanksgiving 2023 to you both as well as Laura and Tanner, Peter, and Ann Marie!
My youngest brother Jim spent most of the year in Djibouti serving our country and theirs. His National Guard unit was called to active service in late April, shipping out in late May. His wife, Angelita and bonus son, Gabriel, will get to travel this Thanksgiving to see Jim while on leave in Munich. A long way to go to share the love and warmth a family should share Thanksgiving Day. Jim and I communicate through text often. And he shares photos of his experiences. From what I see, no one should live in the conditions the citizens of Djibouti live in. No matter your opinion, we as American’s should be thankful of what we have. And thankful that men and women like my brother Jim represent us daily, placing heir lives and the lives of their families in harm’s way. Happy Thanksgiving Jim, Angelita, and Gabriel! We can’t wait for Jim to return home in late April of 2024.
Happy Thanksgiving 2023 Bill, Linda, and Jim! And your families! Sharing the world these past 60+ years with you is an honor and privilege I’ll always respect. Love you all!
Mom and Dad
I asked for new pictures last year of the parents and they said no. As I stated in last year’s Thanksgiving post, I needed to go see them to get more pics. So I did! Making memories along the way!
Mom and Dad celebrated their 61st anniversary August 4. I’m still trying to do the math. Anyway, Judy and I paid them a visit for their anniversary. I did get some great pictures while there. But now Judy wants to retire there too. Meaning I need to work until I’m 102. They live everyday knowing their hard work in year’s past is taking care of them now. Mom reads and sleeps. Plays cards and sleeps. Eats and sleeps. Guess I’ll have to buy her a new lounge chair soon. At 83, Dad continues to play golf as often as he can, despite Parkinson’s Disease slowly decreasing his ability to balance. Their visit to McLemore in September was one to remember. And as they drove away, they reminded me, “they’ll be back” to McLemore, with or without me. Guess I better figure something out there too (more news to come about that). And I again got to witness first hand, the tradition of “good nights” being text to us all. Even though I was sitting right next to Mom when she text me. Thank you Mom and Dad for loving us all for who we are. And supporting us all for what we want to be! I love you both! And hope 2024 brings more opportunities to make more memories together. Happy Thanksgiving 2023 to you both.
I’m thankful this Thanksgiving I have a 21-year old son who asks me questions, and then genuinely listens. A son who has always supported who I am. AS he does the rest of his family, sometimes at the sacrifice of himself. Jack found himself in late May searching for answers. A quick trip to McLemore to spend a weekend with Dad apparently provided him with a direction. He is now back in Savannah with a great position at GulfStream. He’s fishing every day. And occasionally brushing off the dust of his golf clubs. Jack is still learning, growing, and experiencing. I hope he does so all his life! Jack inspires me every day, although we do not speak as often. But that’s okay.
Besides Jack experiencing McLemore, one of the highlights of the year for me and Judy was Jack asking us for his 21st birthday present. I was cringing, not knowing how much this present was going to set me back. What did he ask for? For Judy and I to share his birthday with him in Savannah, and his first legal drink. I was overwhelmed. So was Judy. Those 2+ days I’ll always remember. Thanks Jack for the honor and privilege to call you my son! Continue to make yourself proud every waking hour of your life. Continue to inspire me and the others you touch each day. in 2024, please be thankful to yourself. I love you buddy! And wish you a Happy Thanksgiving 2023!
I’ve shared quite a few of the photos within this post of Judy and I. Those images tell the story of a great 2023. And an exciting 2024 in front of us. We recently shared our last PGA of American Annual Meeting in Frisco, Texas. A bitter sweet moment for us both, after serving as a volunteer leader to the North Florida PGA Section since December of 2005. Her continuous support of me during that time was steadfast! No pictures from that trip, just our memories to share between us. The time we share is precious. The time away gives time to reflect and plan. As I stated last year, Thanksgiving embodies the meaning of giving thanks without entitlement, or repayment. And sharing what you have plenty of. Thanks for sharing with me, Judy! And for sharing with all the people mentioned in this post and then some! Happy Thanksgiving 2023! And I Love You Too!
Always Be Thankful! Not Just One Day
I hope Thanksgiving 2023 and the theme of this post provides you the inspiration for the rest of your life, each and every day, to be thankful! Be positive! And be mindful that every person you encounter has a story to tell. When they share that story with you, be thankful they trust you with their most cherished possession, their memories. Thank them for that honor.
Just one day a year is not enough to say thank you. Now more than ever, we all need to toss away our judgmental divisiveness; the berating and belittling of others we know so little about. And be more keenly aware that the person we are attacking in our rage and irrational judgements may be just the person you need in your life, at that given moment in time. You will both be better human beings if you allow that opportunity to germinate and create a more open mind for you both. At home and abroad.
Again in 2023, my wish is simple; for us all to be thankful every day. And to live a life that recognizes the small things that make us proud of ourselves. Only then will you lay your head to rest each night with serenity, tranquility, and peace. Knowing you thanked someone along the way who assist your personal journey.