As we enter into the holiday season, its time to make share what I am thankful for this Thanksgiving 2021. Each year, I reflect upon the 12 previous months and provide some thankful thoughts about what has truly been a thankful year. 2021 has been the best year yet for John Hughes Golf thanks to you! This Thanksgiving 2021, I get to take some well deserved time off because of the how good you’ve been to me this past year.
Here are the highlights of 2021 and the people who made the year possible.
I’m Thankful This Thanksgiving 2021 for:
My Team at John Hughes Golf!
For the first time ever, I can thank a team! These individuals comprise the team of John Hughes Golf and make me look good in front of you as well as behind the scenes.
Lauren Griffin and Family
Lauren, the youngest of my “bonus daughters,” took full control of the social media presence of John Hughes Golf in 2021 and has performed beyond expectations. All the while taking care of her 2 young ones Carson (the C-Man) and Cayleigh. Knowing only what I could teach her in a short period of time, Lauren has expanded the quality and quantity of posting this year as well as reignited the John Hughes Golf monthly e-newsletter. I can’t be more proud of her and the efforts she’s made. And I’m looking forward to her doing the same for years to come. Thanks Lauren, Carson, Cayleigh, and yes, Husband and Daddy Corey, for the patience and time you’ve devoted to improve the social image and branding of John Hughes Golf!
Jean Perpillant/
Jean is the man behind the moving camera in my YouTube videos. Jean’s the man who sends me text late at night with a thought about how I can do something better, because he needed to share the idea before he went to bed. And Jean is now a golfer! Jean playing golf is a big highlight for me personally in 2021. Especially considering the year he and his family endured in 2021. Thanksgiving 2021, I’m thankful the Perpillant household has found some peace. And as they move into their newer/bigger/upgraded home, I can’t thank Jean enough for the loyal support throughout the years. I am looking forward to finally getting the TV Show, “Instant Golf Improvement” off the ground with Jean’s assistance in 2022.
Chris Siska/Siska Development
After building Instant Golf Improvement in 2020, I decided to let Chris take care of the John Hughes Golf website in 2021. It wasn’t long after handing him the reigns that Chris came to me and said he thought the site could be more attractive while being easier to find through search engines. That’s all Chris had to say and off we both went to make the long overdue improvements to the website. Many of you have said you’ve noticed the difference. Thanks! So has Google! I can’t thank Chris enough for his patience with my late night emails overfilled ideas I think of. He knows how to keep everything organized and keeps me grounded when it comes to my websites. He has also been of huge assistance to Lauren as she learned the ropes this year. Thanksgiving 2021, I’m thankful that Jean introduced me to Chris. And I’m thankful Chris is ready for more in 2023.
Ed Fulford, PGA
For over 27+ years, Ed and I have played golf together, shared stories together, and shared the good and bad together. Ed is my son’s Godfather. And he is now a member of the instructional staff of John Hughes Golf. Ed will serve as Lead Coach for our new Half-Day Golf Schools as well as providing private Hourly Coaching as well as Custom Coaching Programs at Falcon’s Fire Golf Club. We’re all in good hands with Ed on the team. Thanksgiving 2021, I’m thankful Ed is ready to return from a partial knee replacement to assist clients of John Hughes Golf this coming season.
Matt Dauss, PGA Associate
Matt is the Head Professional at Falcon’s Fire Golf Club. I nudged him earlier in the year to spearhead our new golfer programs, Operation 36. Matt has done a great job considering the start we had. And has shown that his clients within the program get results from his coaching. I’m thankful this Thanksgiving 2021 that Matt will help us grow the game of golf, coaching beginner golfers and showing how to have fun on the golf course.
My Clients!
Where would I be without my clients? Probably on the street or selling insurance. Neither sounds fun to me. I can’t thank every client enough for placing your faith, trust, and hope in me to help you become the golfer you aspire to be. Thanksgiving 2021 I hope brings each and everyone of you a lot of fun with family and friends.
My Partners of John Hughes Golf!
Falcon’s Fire Golf Club
Jason McClure and the entire staff of Falcon’s Fire Golf Club continue to make life and golf fun when I’m on property. Jason is always ready to assist with the growth of John Hughes Golf. And I have to thank M.G. Orender and Hampton Golf for allowing me to represent Falcon’s Fire for 8 years. November 29 marks the beginning of my 9th year at Falcon’s Fire, a Thanksgiving 2021 gift I am very thankful for.
Streamsong Resort
Best of luck to Scott Wilson as he departs Streamsong Resort for new career horizons. And best of luck to good friend and fellow NFPGA Officer Matt Jordan as he navigates the waters to take over for Scott. This Thanksgiving 2021 I am thankful that Streamsong provides me and my clients the opportunity to experience the best collection of award winning golf courses in Florida, if not the East Coast. 2022 should be a lot of fun with you visiting Streamsong with me.
Henri Johnson befriended me in a time of need in 2013. And I can’t thank him and the entire FlightScope family for supporting the efforts of John Hughes Golf and Instant Golf Improvement! I can’t wait for you to see the “By the Numbers with FlightScope” segment of Instant Golf Improvement, the TV Show, in 2022.
Callaway Golf
My local sales rep, Jason England, continues to amaze me with his support and good nature. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve called Jason on the way home from Falcon’s Fire asking to borrow a piece of his fitting equipment for the next day. Thanksgiving 2021 I am thankful Jason continues to answer the phone and provide me and my clients the very best customer service I’ve experienced from a club manufacturer, ever!
Golf Pride Grips
Charlie Fisher and the team at Golf Pride have been nothing short of amazing in 2021. Considering the raw material and shipping issues our entire planet has faced, Golf Pride continues to put out enough grips to keep all golfers happy. I’m thankful this Thanksgiving of 2021 that 2022 is around the corner for Charlie and his team.

V1 Golf
Bryan Finnerty, Mandi Von See and the entire V1 S has upped their game in 2021 with the addition of V1 Game and V1 Coach, as well improving the integration of BodiTrak to the V1 Golf platform. Thanks Terry Hashimoto of BodiTrak for your support through a rough “beta test” this spring. We all came out knowing better and learning from our mistakes. Thanksgiving 2021 I’m thankful to know that 2022 is an expansion year for V1 and for John Hughes Golf.
Cutter and Buck
Chandler Altman is a rock star! When faced with elimination of my favorite color, Majestic, Chandler scoured the planet for the remaining Forged Polo XL in Majestic and had them shipped to me. Guess I’ll have to go with College Purple at some point. But I hope Joel Freet and the entire staff of Cutter and Buck bring the color back. I’m also thankful this Thanksgiving 2021 that Chandler introduced me to their golf pant. 8 pairs later, I’m set for another Orlando Golf School season, without sun fading!
Russell Kirk Photography
Although COVID reduced the time Russell traveled to the Orlando area this year. Russell still found a way to support John Hughes Golf. His early morning voicemails about how an image should look versus what I was able to conjure up for a blog post always kept my eyes and mind open to what may be possible. Thanksgiving 2021 ushers in a new season of opportunity for Russell that I hope brings him continued joy and happiness doing what he loves, taking pictures of golf and the people who play golf.
Golf Tips Magazine
Ted Odorico keeps things lively for me the rest of the instructors on the publications Top 25 list. But the opportunity to influence and share knowledge with golfers from around the globe keep us all inspired to bring our best to each edition. I’m thankful this Thanksgiving 2021 that ted will continue to allow me to serve as a Senior Editor of Golf Tips as well as contribute my talents in more creative ways to grow its influence to golfers everywhere.
Thankful for My Family
2021 saw a lot of evolution for the better for the entire extended family of John Hughes Golf.
Extend Family of Friends
Again this year I am thankful for the extended family of personalities and characters that influence my life in a positive way. I’ll forget at least one person if I try to list them all. But if they’re reading this, they know who they are. Whether sharing a cocktail, a game, a cigar, a meal, a phone call, or stories, no one can live life without the extension of your family you call true friends. I hope Thanksgiving 2021 provides them all with warmth and happiness.
Bob Geppert and Thomas Troncoso
My two golf brothers who COVID has kept us at a distance. Thanksgiving 2021 I hope brings you joy and happiness. Hope to see you both very soon, in person!
Steve McMillen
A rough and ready year 2021 has been for Steve McMillen, the North Florida PGA Section Executive Director. Steve is one hell of a tough guy, regardless of what he looks like. I admire his perseverance every day and make an effort every day to have half the energy he has. I hope Thanksgiving 2021 brings Steve the opportunity to live life a little, and enjoy a quite moment. Thank for you support the past 4 years! I should find a more relaxed image of you for next year.
Family Includes
Lacey Councill and Family
Lacey, Jarrod, MacKenzie, and Mason keep Anderson, SC on their toes. This non-stop family of 4 also keeps “Nana” guessing at what they’re up to next. “Bonus daughter” #1 I am thankful for this Thanksgiving 2021 for her continued work in the art of keeping Nana at bay for us all, when needed. Keep doing what you do L and J, M and M! We’re very proud of the little things that make you, you.
Bill, Linda, Jim
As the oldest of 4 and the farthest from them all, I get out voted quite often. Only if I know a vote is happening. I’m thankful this Thanksgiving 2021 for my brother Jim’s safe return from National Guard duty overseas earlier this year. For my sister Linda’s ever lasting devotion to the core of what our parents taught us a kids. And for my brother Bill;s future, as he conquers his demons and enjoys the world for what it is. I love you all. And we need to get an updated photo the next time we get together!
Mom and Dad
Mom and Dad began a new adventure just a couple weeks ago, moving from their retirement home of 27+ years to live out the final leg of their journey together in High Point, NC. 58+ years later and they still inspire us all. Dad fighting Parkinson’s Disease every day and continuing his golfing journey, shooting his age, 81, earlier this year. Mom making sure her legs and back are strong each day as she supports Dad. As well as letting each of her 9 grandchildren and all her children and their spouses each night they are loved with a warm text every night. Thanksgiving2021 would not be Thanksgiving at all with out you both!
I can’t say enough how thankful I am this Thanksgiving 2021 for my son Jack, and the courage he has shown this year conquering subjects and situations no 19-year old should ever face. Since he knew there was a person named Jack when he looked in the mirror, I have always old him to live every day making himself proud of who he is. Whether you realize it or not, 2021 you have done that and more. I love you Buddy and am always proud to be your Father.
Last but not least is Judy. Yes, she keeps my eyes open to things I am overlooking. And sometimes opens my eyes to sights a married man should never see. Your continued support and sacrifice continue to allow all the other people above you enjoy me. That said, look at you being on the bottom of the blog post as the foundation of what makes John Hughes Golf tick. If you happen to see Judy out and about this Thanksgiving 2021, remind her of being the foundation, but don’t let her frame your house. It might cost you. Love You! and hope we have many more adventures in 2022!
Be Thankful
As you experience the events of today, tomorrow, and beyond, there are many things to be thankful for. But most importantly, be thankful of the people you’re surrounded by. Let these people know today, and every day, that you are truly thankful for being a small part of your journeys and adventures earth.