US Junior Hockey

August 2014 Update It has been almost a month since my last post so I thought I would use this opportunity to give everyone an August 2014 Update.  This August Update is really about what I have done the past month and a look forward to what is to come for August into the fall. This post will have the flavor of a newsletter, which has made me realize it is probably time to send a monthly newsletter to everyone.  But I need your name and email address to do so.  Please use the Contact Page of my website to provide me your name and email address.  Doing so will put you on my email list as well as enter you into the monthly drawing for a 90-minute coaching session with me. Congratulations! One of my clients, Tommy Davidson, recently went through four days of qualifying and earned a spot on the Winter Park High School Golf Team for the upcoming fall semester.  Tommy made a commitment to play golf on a competitive level a little more than a year ago and in a very short time he has come a long way to reach this point as a competitive golfer.  Tommy and I have been working together since March.  During this time Tommy has worked very hard on his skill development which has allowed him to realize significant overall improvement to his game.  With continued skill development and dedicated practice, I predict that as a Freshman, Tommy will make…

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