The McLemore

2+2 does not always equal 4, John Hughes Golf, Golf Lessons in Orlando, Orlando golf resorts

I’m an educated person, I believe you are too. If I ask you what 2+2 equals, you know the answer mathematically. But when giving golf lessons in Orlando at Falcon’s Fire Golf Club, or at The McLemore in Lookout Mountain, GA, 2+2 does not always equal 4.  It’s important for you to understand that 2+2 equals something else to you as a golfer.  And you must understand what each “2” means before you can solve the equation of your golf swing. What I Experience I see many golfers in rapid fire mode all the time at the practice facilities of Falcons Fire Golf Club and at The McLemore.  And when visiting other Orlando golf resorts. From a golf coach’s perspective, we call those golfers “rake and hitters.” Meaning, the golfers are raking a ball over to hit it, before the one they just hit lands somewhere in the range. These golfers will never realize what either of the “2’s” mean within their golf game.  Which is why the ball flight of each of their shots is erratic at best.  And why new clients continue to ask me for more consistency. And why they can’t understand why their golf shots fly in the manner that they do. The rake and hit mentality is why 2+2 does not always equal 4 for your golf game, or golf swing. What are the “2’s”? Whenever I’m with a brand-new client, it’s important to me that my clients understand how their brain learns. Using the…

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