5 Simple Ways to Cure Your Slice

5 Simple Ways to Cure Your Slice, Golf Schools, Golf School, Florida Golf School, Florida Golf Schools, Orlando Golf School, Orlando Golf Schools, Golf Schools in Orlando

Data from FlightScope and other data collection platforms show the most common ball flight among amateur golfers is a slice.  I estimate almost 75% of my new clients ask me to help them fix their slice. Over the years, I’ve found 5 Simple Ways to Cure Your Slice.  Each one independently can do so.  Collectively, they go above and beyond the initial ask. As you review these 5 Simple Ways to Cure Your Slice, remember that golf is counter-intuitive.  Some of these fixes may not seem logical.  To understand these fixes, realize that diagnosing your slice works backwards from the ball flight.  I’ll take you in a more logical order of fixing your slice, versus attempting to ask you to do something you may not currently be capable of performing. # 1 – Aim The Club Correctly Sounds simple, and it is.  Believe it or not, most slicers aim their golf club in the opposite direction of the slice.  Sounds logical but its actually counter productive.  Its more “reactive,” versus “proactive.”  The more you aim the face in the opposite direction, the more likely your brain attempts to cure that position mid-swing.  The mid-swing “compensation” typically creates a large than necessary outside to in swing path.  This also increases the angle of attack of the club.  The result?  All 3 swing parameters at impact produce a club face that is open to your swing path.  This causes you and the club face t cut across the ball at impact.  In…

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