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May 20, 2014

Prioritizing Your Golf Improvement Program

Prioritizing Your Golf Improvement Program

Are you having trouble prioritizing your golf improvement program?  Still can’t figure out what drill to do first and how much time to do it?  What about the other clubs in my bag; should you be using those too to do the drill? What about short game?  And should I be spending time on the golf course or more on the range? And how about the pre-swing fundamentals, the back swing, the down swing, the follow-through?  Where do all those items fall into my practice routine?  These questions are only a sampling of the many questions I field daily about what, how, when, and why someone should practice their golf skills, routines, drills, and their overall improvement.

A real life example of this is this amount of questions I received this past weekend.  While at my Step-Daughter’s wedding this past weekend, there were at least 10 people who asked me specific questions about the drills they are doing to improve, the lessons they are receiving, their games on the course versus at the practice facility, as well as countless other questions that all added up to one general theme.  I stopped keeping count at 10 people simply so I could have a great time watching Lauren and Corey enjoy their special day (see my previous post from today).

There are many people, everywhere, trying to improve their golf games, committing time and effort to do so.  But it seems no one has communicated with them a plan to prioritize their improvement.  What do you work on first, and when you achieve that skill, what do you do next?  It is no secret that the average handicap and/or score of the average golfer has failed to significantly improve over the past 30+ years, yet, technology, fitness, and scientific advancement and information is at our finger tips more so now than ever before.  What are we missing?  It is my opinion that the simplest and most basic variable we tend to overlook, undervalue, and sometimes totally neglect is your ability to prioritize.  What is it that you ultimately want to achieve with your golf game and how are you willing to go about achieving it in a way that will always provide you with a foundational basis that will carry you to your ultimate goal(s).  And if your Instructor is failing to provide that to you, the let me make an offer to you that you can not refuse.

“How to Prioritize Your Golf Improvement Program,” a series of Blog Posts will begin this Thursday, and continuing each Thursday for the next few weeks.  I will be posting on my website and through the various social media outlets, a series of articles that will provide you insight about how to prioritize, manage, and install an improvement program for your golf game that is reasonable for you and the amount of time you can invest in your plan.  Knowing that no two people are alike when it comes to the time you can commit and the other variables involved when making this commitment decision, the articles will feature ideals and concepts that when applied in order, can greatly enhance your abilities on the golf course.

To make this series as realistic as possible, as well as directed to actual situations you are currently facing, I would like to ask you to submit your questions and concerns about your golf game and how you are going about improving your golf games this season.  With your input, the series can use real life examples of how prioritizing a golf improvement program can effectively make sustainable improvements to your game.  Any questions, stories, insight, or opinions are very much welcome.  Please send any questions you may have, along with any photos or videos you do not mind sharing through this series to me at  Or feel free to respond via Twitter or Facebook with your questions.

Thanks for reading, and thanks in advance for submitting your questions!

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Prioritizing Your Golf Improvement Program Are you having trouble prioritizing your golf improvement program?  Still can’t figure out what drill to do first and how much time to do it?  What about the other clubs in my bag; should you be using those too to do the drill? What about short game?  And should I be spending time on the golf course or more on the range? And how about the pre-swing fundamentals, the back swing, the down swing, the follow-through?  Where do all those items fall into my practice routine?  These questions are only a sampling of the many questions I field daily about what, how, when, and why someone should practice their golf skills, routines, drills, and their overall improvement. A real life example of this is this amount of questions I received this past weekend.  While at my Step-Daughter’s wedding this past weekend, there were at least 10 people who asked me specific questions about the drills they are doing to improve, the lessons they are receiving, their games on the course versus at the practice facility, as well as countless other questions that all added up to one general theme.  I stopped keeping count at 10 people simply so I could have a great time watching Lauren and Corey enjoy their special day (see my previous post from today). There are many people, everywhere, trying to improve their golf games, committing time and effort to do so.  But it seems no one has communicated with them…

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