With digital communication constantly expanding and improving, John Hughes sees great potential for remote golf instruction using smartphones and apps that are specifically built for the intricacies of this field. John Hughes Golf, based in the greater Orlando area, now partners with Golf Live, an innovative app designed for golfers and golf coaches, to provide high quality instruction at a distance. The organization looks forward to the new opportunities that this technology will create in addition to its in-person golf schools and special events held both in central Florida and at destination golf courses.


For years, John Hughes and his team of expert instructors at John Hughes Golf have provided students with highly personalized coaching through flexible golf school events conducted at the fantastic golf courses of central Florida. As the organization has expanded its offerings to include larger-scale events such as the ongoing golf school at the McLemore Club in northern Georgia, John Hughes has also focused on how his team can take advantage of today’s leading technologies to provide creative types of golf coaching.

One important way of incorporating technology is to use video analysis, swing assessment, and other tools that give immediate feedback at surprising levels of detail. Combining these metrics with the practical experience and knowledge of a highly skilled instructor makes for efficient, effective coaching and leads to gains for the student as quickly as possible. John Hughes Golf also provides access to video lessons and other digital tools following a golf school or coaching session, allowing the student to continue building their skills on their own.

A major addition to the John Hughes Golf arsenal of digital tools is their partnership with Golf Live. Golf Live is an app built to connect golf coaches and students, making it possible for instructors to watch a student’s swing, collect metrics, and offer guidance remotely. The app makes it simple for students and coaches to meet each other, schedule lessons, and work together efficiently on a platform that is built specifically to serve this unique sport.

John Hughes is very excited about the new world of opportunities that this powerful app promises for teachers and students alike. The convenience of meeting with a coach who may be hundreds of miles away is an obvious advantage, but there are many others as well. For instance, a golfer who recognizes that he or she is having trouble with one specific element of their game can schedule a coaching session to focus on that element, then enjoy expert instruction from one of John Hughes Golf’s professionals without having to travel to the organization’s headquarters in central Florida.

As John Hughes looks to the future of golf, he is excited about this and the many other digital tools that can be put to work for the benefit of golf students around the country and the world. Practical experience on the part of instructors and detailed, precise metrics on the part of digital measurement and feedback tools create a winning combination to help students trim shots from their game and enjoy the sport more than ever before.