The Choice is Easy
Why choose John Hughes? Because when you’re looking for quality golf instruction in Orlando, John delivers results. After all, isn’t that why you’re wanting to purchase golf lessons or a Florida Golf School? Results?
What are My Choices?
What type of golf instructor should you choose? A seasoned veteran with a proven history of delivering results to all skill level golfers? Or, someone without experience and little knowledge? How will you choose the golf right golf instructor for you? By location, price, availability? These variables are all about your convenience. Will choosing a golf instructor solely about convenience deliver the results you’re looking for? What type of golf instruction should you choose? Is an hour enough or too much? Will I need more than 1 golf lesson? Or should I join a group or take an individual golf lesson? These and so many other variables can make the decision to choose a golf instructor frustrating and complicated. And sometimes so difficult, you may decide not to improve your golf skills at all.
So Why Choose John Hughes Golf?
Experience, Knowledge, Results! While having fun! That’s why you should choose John Hughes over any other golf instructor. For over 30 years, John’s delivered the immediate improvement results his clientele has demanded. No matter what walk of life or reason for improvement, John’s experience and expertise are the resources you should require. And you’ll experience the same results with each of his highly experienced and certified golf instructors. Each have been hand picked by John. And John demands that they continually improvement themselves as golf instructors to guarantee you’ll your immediate and sustainable golf skill results. Whether you choose a Florida Golf School or Golf Lesson in Orlando, John delivers immediate and sustainable golf skill results. After all, it’s all about making immediate skill improvement while being able to sustain the skill. It’s also about having fun as you make the improvements. If you’re not having fun, will you continue to practice after golf instruction?
Choosing John Hughes Golf is a Great Decision
John’s client reviews confirm he is the very best golf instructor in Orlando. Their words should convince you that choosing John Hughes, PGA Master Professional of Instruction, is a wise choice. Their references will ease the frustration and confusion of choosing the right golf instructor for you. And should ease the process of determining John is the right golf instructor in Orlando for you.
Choose a Listener, Choose a Communicator
You and your golf instructor must create a great relationship for your golf improvement to begin and progress through time. The core basic to any relationship is listening and communicating. John is known as both a great listener and a great communicator. Before John provides you any coaching assistance, you’ll have a chance to fully explain your reason for playing golf. And why you want to improve your golf skills. Those 2 elements are the driving force to the golf instruction John and his staff designs for you to experience immediate and sustainable improvement.