Short Game
The Importance of the Chip Shot to Break 100 in Golf
Breaking 100 in golf is a significant milestone for many golfers. It’s a benchmark that…
How many Putts do you make that come up short of the Hole?
The common question I ask all my clients attending golf schools Orlando is, “How many…
Get Ready for School and Tournament Golf Season Preparing at JHG’s Junior Golf Boot Camp
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Schedule Your Golf Skills Evaluation Now!
Can You Afford Not to Schedule a Golf Skills Evaluation Before the End of the…
December Update
December Update What better time of year to share the events of the past 30-days…
Prioritizing Your Golf Improvement Program
Prioritizing Your Golf Improvement Program Are you having trouble prioritizing your golf improvement program? Still…
Your Cure for Putting Lipercy
Your Cure for Putting Lipercy How many times have you started a golf season to…
How Large is Your Circle of Comfort?
Feeling comfortable about your game is always a confidence booster when faced with tough shots…