
1 Is an Anomaly
If you’re the type of golfer who gauges the distances and hit shots by your…

Will Golf Lessons Help Me? Will golf lessons help me is a common question I’m asked when speaking to…

Play Better Golf By Letting Go of These 10 Things Let’s start 2022 off with cleaning out the golf closet and creating better golf…

Practicing Your “What If’s”
Are You Are You Practicing Your “What If’s”? Practice is only valuable if you are…

5 Simple Ways to Cure Your Slice
Data from FlightScope and other data collection platforms show the most common ball flight among…

Impact Position – Working the “9 to 3” Shift
Impact Position Working the “9 to 3 Shift” as You Practice A great Impact Position…

Conservative Aggression
Conservative Aggression Chances are you think of the term “conservative aggression” as a strategy you…

Stand on the Target Line, Not to the Side
How do you insure you are able to aim and align correctly? Simple, stand on…

How Has Coaching Yourself Gotten You into this Mess?
You decided at the beginning of the season to commit to improving your golf game.…

What does “dedicated” mean to you? Does it mean you’re willing to spend time doing…