
1 is an Anomaly, John HughesGolf, Orlando Golf Schools

If you’re the type of golfer who gauges the distances and hit shots by your best shot ever, they were fooling yourself. By taking an anomaly and making it your average you provide more harm than good in every decision you make on the golf course. When clients come to me to take golf course in Orlando, I give them one word of advice. One is an anomaly. Two is an accident. And three could be a trend. This applies to when playing any golf courses in Orlando, or where you live. You want to play to your trends. Not your anomalies. What is an Anomaly? An anomaly is something that happens one time and one time only. And it can sometimes happen freakishly. Most golf shots that you can label an anomaly golf shot are shots that deviate from your standard. Or, what you’re expecting to happen. But most often, amateur golfers take a career best performance and believe this deviation is their standard. Hate to tell you but you just took your career best shot out of context. Using anomalies as your standards will quickly find you trouble on the golf course.  Quicker than any other reason you can imagine. An example of an anomaly in golf is this simple and a frequent answer to a common question I ask all my clients.  What is your 150-yard golf club?  Most of the time I hear an answer that includes irons below a 9 iron.  And most of those…

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