Mental Side of Golf

Pre Shot Routine, John Hughes Golf, Orlando Golf Lessons, Best Orlando Golf Schools, Best Orlando Junior Golf Lessons, Best Orlando Junior Golf Schools, Best Orlando Ladies Golf Lessons

A Pre-Shot Routine? Most likely, you’re undervaluing your Pre-Shot Routine.  It’s the most over looked and under taught aspect of most all golfers’ games. It is the only part of your game that transcends to both the golf course and the practice facility. Yet most everyone short circuits their ability and potential by not placing any value on this aspect of your golf game.  A great Pre-Shot Routine brings together all the elements of your game; physical, mental, emotional, and results, into one simple process. If perform your Pre-Shot Routine before every shot, chances are it could lead to instant improvement in your scores. I recently had the opportunity to coach a Vice President from an S&P 500 company who stated within his Player Profile that he wanted to have his Pre-Shot Routine reviewed during his golf school.  One of his comments was “he did not know if he had a routine or not.” What an amazing statement from a highly successful individual. As much as he described his professional and personal life to me during our time together, and the routines he has established to be as successful as he is, he never thought about putting much value into his Pre-Shot Routine. By the end of his three days with me, he not only had a Pre-Shot Routine he can count on, he understands what his routine includes and knows how to implement his routine to effectively become a successful golfer. The easiest way for you to understand what…

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