John Hughes Golf School
Using Targets During Practice
As golfers, we embark on a journey to master the elusive science, and in some…
January 2024 Client Accomplishments
Wow! January went quick! And there were a few items of interest that happened last…
Learning From Your Mistakes
I’ve been recognized as conducting one of the best golf schools in Florida. During those…
December 2023 Client Accomplishments
Due to the holidays, December was again a quiet month for clients of John Hughes…
New Homes in 2024
Golf is an awesome sport providing us all with unique opportunities to fuel our growth…
12-Days of Golf Gift Giving 2023 MASTER
Today begins our 12-Days of Gift Giving 2023! Some of the more popular items from…
Protected: 2023 Holiday News for Clients Only
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Things I’ve Learned as a Coach
As I look back at almost 35 years of coaching, I can’t help but think…
November 2023 Client Accomplishments
November was a quiet month for John Hughes Golf clients. Catching up with rest and…
2023 12-Days of Gift Giving
Today begins our 12-Days of Gift Giving 2023! Some of the more popular items from…