What does “dedicated” mean to you? Does it mean you’re willing to spend time doing…
How Long Does it Take
How long does it take to make improvements in your golf game? Ask Declan Ward.…
Thankful and Many Reasons to be in 2020
Everyone seems to be in a much more thankful mood these days, especially after what…
Have More Fun Playing Golf
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Thank You for a Great 2015
This post is dedicated to the people that surround me daily, and for saying thank…
College Golf Courses
What College Golf Courses Have You Played? With the 2015 College Football Season starting tonight,…
Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day Wishing all Mothers of the World, Happy Mother’s Day, no Matter Where You…
John Hughes Golf – May Update
John Hughes Golf “Time Flies When You Are Staying Busy and Having Fun” Wow how…
December Update
December Update What better time of year to share the events of the past 30-days…
November Update
November Up Date Wow! October flew by fast! Time now to recap October and let…