This is the time of year when most of my clients are telling me they wish they could hit the ball a longer distance. Doesn’t matter what club, they just want more distance. There are numerous ways to add distance to any shot in golf. But there are 5 ways to add distance to all shots. 5 ways that are sustainable. It doesn’t matter if you’re playing one of the many Orlando golf courses that demand length, or a course near you that demands you hit the ball far. Sustainable length is what it takes to play consistent golf. Let’s explore the 5 ways to add distance that I think you can achieve quickly and sustain over a longer period of time. The first 4 ways deal with you and what you have ultimate control of. The 5th way deals with what the first 4 should add up to. How is Distance Made? To understand how the 5 ways to add distance will work for you, let’s define how distance is created when hitting a golf ball. As simple as we can, from a physics standpoint. In order for a projectile to move any distance, energy must transfer from a source of force to the projectile. In this case, the driver to the golf ball. To increase the distance the projectile travels, you can increase the force of energy being transferred to the projectile and/or maximize the conditions of energy transfer to the projectile. Maximizing conditions includes doing so from…