Drive Chip and Putt

John Hughes Golf,, Video Library, Golf Tips, Orlando Golf Lessons, May Update, Orlando Golf Schools, Orlando Junior Golf Lessons, Orlando Ladies Golf Lessons
Now in production, the John Hughes Golf Video Library will provide any golfer with the information necessary to instantly improve their golf game!

John Hughes Golf  “Time Flies When You Are Staying Busy and Having Fun” Wow how time flies at John Hughes Golf when you are having fun!  My sincere apologies for not having updated you prior to now.  A lot has been going on and a lot more is in the works.  Let’s start with what’s in the works and move into what has happened since my last update 3 months ago. INSTRUCTION VIDEO LIBRARY! By the end of this month, I will launch an addition to my website, as well as a totally new site, devoted to an instruction video library.  Each 90-seconds to 2-minute video will feature a short tip on how you can immediately improve your game no matter what aspect of your golf game you are attempting to improve.  Whether it be full swing, short game, strategy, putting, fitness, or any other part of the game, you’ll find something in the video library. So far, 5 tips are “in the can” ready to launch with another 5 waiting for edits, and another 50+ tips ready to shoot and produce.  If you have a particular aspect of your golf game you would like to see within the video library, contact me with your idea and I will be sure to include your idea within the video library. Keep checking your Inbox for the announcement about the launch of the video library and how you can have full access to the ever growing content contained within it. PURCHASE YOUR…

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