Golf Skills Evaluation

A Golf Skills Evaluation is exactly what you need if you don’t have the time for lessons.  But you want to know what golf skills to improve, so you can reduce your scores.

A Golf Skills Evaluation objectively measures your strengths and weaknesses on the course and at the practice area. You’ll learn to make better decisions on the course with the skills you currently possess. And you’ll experiencing a testing process that thoroughly examines all aspects of your game.

An golf skills evaluation will open your eyes to the mistakes you’ve been making when you practice. And how one or 2 skills improved can make a big difference in your game.

At the end of the evaluation, you can choose to continue coaching with John Hughes Golf. Or go it on your own.

What is a Golf Skills Assessment?

A Golf Skills Assessment takes about 30-minutes to complete.  The Assessment provides a comprehensive and objective assessment of your current skill level. You’ll learn what specific areas of your skill set to target for improvement.

You’ll test your Full Swing Skills, Short Game, or Putting Skills using state of the art technology provided by FlightScope. We’ll use the Skills App for Full Swing analysis. Or, the FlightScope Short Game app for Pitching and Putting.  Each objectively documents your skills under real time simulated pressure situations.

Afterward completing the evaluation, you and golf instructor will review the data.  And determine the best direction for your to take should you decide a Golf Instruction Program is the right choice for you.

Immediately after the evaluation, you’ll tee it up at Omni ChampionsGate, for 18-holes of golf.

All great golfers go through a regular golf skill evaluation as part of an overall improvement program.  Why shouldn’t you?

Want to know more about what a Golf Skills Evaluation?

Click Here to access my Golf Skills FAQ page.

What does a Golf Skills Evaluation Include?

A Golf Skill Evaluation is the entry point for all new clientele of John Hughes Golf. It provides a holistic understanding of your golf skills using objective measurements and feedback.  From the Golf Skills Evaluation, you and John can best determine an improvement plan that is customized to your specific improvement goals and needs.

The Golf Skills Evaluation begins with:

  • A 2-hour complete evaluation of your golf skills on the course as well as at the practice facility.
    • You start the evaluation on the golf course, playing 2 to 3 holes based upon availability. While on the course, John video records all aspects of your game. he’ll also provide you with coaching on the course that will assist you with playing smarter with your current skills.
    • You’ll then move to the practice facility where you will:
      • Hit a number of shots with your driver and your 150 yard club, using FlightScope, BodiTrak, and other technologies as necessary to objectively measure your current skills.
      • You’ll also experience a putting and short game skills test.
      • The Golf Skills Evaluation ends with you testing your ability to hit random targets using a customized skills challenge built by FlightScope.
  • At the conclusion of the evaluation, you’ll sit down with John and go over the findings of your evaluation. John will make recommendations to you about the low hanging improvements you can make immediately to realize immediate improvements to your scores. John will also make recommendations that address the more time consuming skills that when improved, could lead to sustained improvement.
  • At the conclusion of the evaluation, you can choose to continue coaching with John Hughes Golf through a Custom Coaching Program. Or use the evaluation to work on your game by yourself.

Schedule a golf skills evaluation now

Unlike others, John Hughes Golf guarantees your success. We’ll work together to help you reach your fullest potential as a person and as a golfer.

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