Golf Custom Coaching Programs

Golf Custom Coaching Programs – The Ultimate Instruction Experience

If you had the opportunity to design your own Custom Golf Coaching Program, what would you include? Would you include an intensive one-day training session? Or a regularly scheduled 30-minute lesson once a week? Maybe an hour of On-Course Golf Instruction? What about an occasional 15-minute tune up? All these are possible when you invest in a Custom Golf Coaching Programs.

The Evaluation

While on the course during the evaluation, John will video tape every aspect of your game, tee to green. While providing you tips to play smarter with your current skills.

At the practice facility, you and John will use FlightScope, BodiTrak, and other technologies as necessary to objectively document your full swing, short game, and putting skills. You’ll then participate in a simulated challenge to objectively measure your ability to make shots happen under pressure situations.

Golf Custom Coaching Programs You Design

After the 2-hour evaluation, you and John will custom design a golf skill improvement program catered to your individual needs.  You’ll prioritize the program together so you can reach your potential sooner.  Each follow up coaching session is customized around those priorities. Utilizing the Practice Facility, swing aids, technology, drills, and practice methods to ingrain your skill improvement. You can also schedule coaching time on the course within this program.  Included within your program is the use of:

FlightScope 3D Radar Technology for Ball Flight and Short Game Data Collection

V1Golf Video Analysis for video documenting your progress and for remote coaching

BodiTrak Balance Matt Analysis to record ground force data

HackMotion Swing 3D Swing Analysisotion Putting Analysis

FocusBand Mental Focus Training

On-Course Coaching

Club Fitting

Tournament Preparation

Fitness and/or Nutrition

Mental Coaching

Schedule Your Custom Coaching Sessions When You Want, for as Long as You Want

You can use as much of your Program Hours as you wish, any time.  You can choose to schedule an hour, 90-minutes, or more each time you schedule a coaching session.  And the amount of coaching time you purchase never expires. You can also “gift” any amount of hours you purchase to someone else.

Schedule your custom coaching session

Unlike others, John Hughes Golf guarantees your success. We’ll work together to help you reach your fullest potential as a person and as a golfer.

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